Lost In Dreams
A downloadable Experience for Windows
A son lost in his dreams, finding his way back home. Will he get back to his mom, or will he go into an unexplained condition? The choice is yours.
A Short Horror Experience just for you. :)
This is my first attempt at a 3D Game. Hope you like the experience. Entirely built using Unity 2020.
P. S. : Various YouTubers have played the game and reviewed it. As this game is a short one, I highly recommend playing the game first for yourself, then try watching those videos to ensure a spoiler-free experience.
- Follow the voice.
- Follow the Light.
- Survive.
- Experience the dream.
- Dual Endings Available in this Game.
I have updated the game and fixed all the bugs that have been noticed so far. If you experience any bugs during the gameplay, feel free to comment below.
- Game Programmed, Conceptualized, UI & Designed by - Suhail Sujaudeen
- Voice Acting - Rosemary Paul
- Quality Assurance - Suhaib Sujaudeen & Ansar Hussain
- Special Thanks to Suja's Stars Family
- A Stars Studio Original
- Main Menu OST - Repulsive - I'll Hide My Scars
- End Game OST - Repulsive - 1908 vol. II
- 3D Models from Unity Asset Store
- Sound Effects from Mixkit & FreeSounds
Install instructions
It's built using Unity, Extract the RAR file, and Open "lost_in_dreams.exe"
Development log
- Play Lost In Dreams to be spooked in this Halloween! (A Beginner's Guide)Nov 01, 2021
- Lost In Dreams (Stable Version 2)Jun 16, 2021
- Lost In Dreams (Stable Version)Jun 05, 2021
- Lost In Dreams (Early Access)Jun 03, 2021
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Thank you so much for your playthrough of play the game. :D Loved the reactions of you playing the game. Thanks for trying out all the endings! :)
Played this on stream earlier, it was a fun time!
Good graphics, spooky lighting and atmosphere, short and sweet, an evil pumpkin man. I'd recommend it :)
Thank you for taking your time and effort to play the game. :D The Main Menu bugs were fixed and updated in the latest version. I'm not sure how you got the old version of the game downloaded though. Thanks once again for playing the game. The ending you got was the bad ending. There is a good ending as well. You can find it if you focus on the audio there at the end. So if you have time, do try it out. Thanks! :)
Hey there Stars Studio, I have finally taken enough time to manage and deliver the gameplay review YouTube video. I hope this will help you with your game! Also, it will be great if you joined to my YouTube channel, it does support me a lot to see developers who I make reviews like this for them to keep me doing more of these.
I would love to see more of this game in the future for sure ;)
Thank you so much for an amazing review! This was my first 3d game, and that too after a long time. The crosshair in the middle is supposed to help with aiming. That is why I intended to keep the dot.
Also, I wanted the game to be short and crisp to give that true effect of a nightmare, and I'm glad it worked out well. I enjoyed watching your gameplay reaction :D Thank you once again! :)
Un bell'incubo ad occhi aperti con diversi salti di paura che non sono niente male..grazie per questo gioco. Lascio un video del gameplay se volessi dare un occhiata.
Translation of the comment : "A nice dream sequence with several jumps of fear that are not bad .. thanks for this game. I leave a video of the gameplay if you want to take a look."
Now, my reply...
Thank you so much for playing the game. The game has dual endings though. One is the sad ending, the other is a happy one. Do try it out and find a good ending. The hint for it is basically focusing on the voice at the end, you will have a clue for yourself. The devil is in the details ;) Thank you once again.
I have to say this was a great game albeit a bit short, but really good job on this one! Those jumpscares were the worst/best I've had in a while, nearly threw my mouse lol!
Great Job!
Thank you so much Rizyx! This was my first 3d game, and that too after a long time. I will surely continue this storyline in the future and build a longer game. I loved watching your reaction to the game, yes, you did get badly scared at all the jumpscares :P I'm glad it worked well with the overall game. Thank you so much for your review of the game. I enjoyed watching your reactions to the game. :)
Thank you for taking the time to watch the video, glad you enjoyed it! As I said before, great job on the game and I look forward to more ;)
Never trust a creature with a pumpkin head! They are always up to something! Great short game!
Thank you so much and you were really smart there :D They sure are creepy :P
Thank you so much for the superb review. I loved watching your reaction. The game does have a few more jumpscares, but as you were really smart, you didn't have to face them.
Just as you mentioned it, I wanted to create the creepy nightmare feel, but yes, it was short as this was my first 3D game. But I shall surely make a follow-up game for this sometime in the future. You surely have motivated me for that :)
Thanks once again! :)
Thank you so much for playing the game :) I'm delighted to know that you love the ending.
Odlična kratka igrica, tužna takodjer, nadam se da će ovakvih igrica još izaći, sretno na daljnoj gradnji!
I translated the comment to English and it says "Great short game, sad too, I hope more games like this come out, good luck on further construction!"
Now, my reply...
Thank you so much for playing the game. The game has dual endings though. One is the sad ending, the other is a happy one. Do try it out and find a good ending. The hint for it is basically focusing on the voice at the end, you will have a clue for yourself. The devil is in the details ;) Thank you once again.
Thanks for tips, I will play it again and find happy one!
Thank you so much Soulbarrier! This was my first 3d game, and that too after a long time. I loved watching your reaction to the game :D In the end, the jumpscare was triggered because you didn't turn back, not because of interacting with the door.
The ending you received was the bad ending. There is a good ending, and to get that, Focus on the Voice. ;)
But I'm pleased to know that you like the concept and the game. Thank you so much once again.
Thank you for taking your time and effort to play the game. :D I'm glad you like the game. Thank you for posting a video of the game as well. There is a secondary ending for the game as well. So if you have time, do try it out. Thanks! :)
Thank you so much for reviewing my game :D It was such a nice video. I loved your reactions entirely and had a great time. I agree that the game is short. As this is my first try, I wanted to make sure I know I can build something neat. I shall surely create a bigger game in the future. Thanks alot! :)
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Thanks a lot for taking your time and effort to play the game and posting a video of the game as well. :D I'm glad you like the game. There is a secondary ending for the game as well. So if you have time, do try it out. Thanks! :)
I recommend to play the game then watch the video to avoid spoilers!!!
Oh I get like this in my dreams. The Nightmare of finding a way back is terrifying and this game captures that. The struggle to get out and finally wake up is scary on it's own. I liked the game specially the concept I just wish it was a bit longer with different paths maybe locations too. I hope the devs add different dreams in the next update. I RECOMMEND THIS GAME. Try it it's good stuff.Thank you so much camacaziyt! This review is intense :D I'm glad you love the concept and style of the game. I wanted to bring the thrill and fear factor as much as possible in a short time, whilst maintaining the storyline. I agree that the game is short, and with your review, I shall surely look into creating a longer and improved version of this game. Thank you so much for your time and video! :)
Love the game. If you do anymore updates, do NOT add subtitles to the part near the end. I liked trying to hear what was being said, that and it would give away to easily how to get the good ending.
Thank you for taking your time and effort to play the game once again. :D I'm glad you love it. And yes, I will surely update the game and remove the subtitles as you mentioned. It makes sense. Thanks! :)
I understand. Thank you for your time :)
Have no such words to make a greater compliment, than what this game is!
I loved it. Unfortunately, I did not have enough time to record is, due to personal stuff, but, I played it on my free time and it was magical. Maybe my words are little stretched for such a small project, but it kind of reminded me of a smaller version of "Pan's Labyrinth", mainly because of the unique monster design and overall quality of gameplay. Of course, there are some nitpicking, like improving the AI, maybe texturing a bit differently, but that's all subjective - the game is fully functional, eerie and atmospheric, nailed all the categories. Keep up the good work Stars Studio.
P.S. Once again, I really wanted to record this, but I am working on my own things and could not edit the video. Sorry.
I'm overwhelmed by how much you like my game. Thank you so much. This is my first 3d independent game, and with your compliments, I'm sure it will go forward in a good way.
Thank you for noticing, I really put a lot of thought and effort into this. I have released an update for the game. Kindly feel free to play the new version for an improved experience.
No issues at all with not recording the gameplay. I noticed that you watched many others play the game as well :D I'm really delighted to know that you love the game.
I really appreciate you taking the time to let me know how you feel. It makes it all worth it to hear you say that. :)
Loved it. The monster looks great.
Thank you so much for playing the game and giving your valuable feedback. Even though the game had bugs you kept playing to find out the end of the game. But the game has two different endings. The one you got was the Bad end. The clue for the second ending lies in the end zone itself. Focus on the voice is my tip. ;) So, go ahead and try playing again. I would love to know how the entire game experience is for you.
Thank you once again!
Good atmosphere. I love the creature's visuals.
Thank you so much for playing the game. The game two different endings. The clue for the second ending lies in the end zone itself. Focus on the voice is my tip. ;) So, go ahead and try playing again. I would love to know how the entire game experience is for you.
Thank you once again!
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Thank you so much for playing the game. But I believe there were a few bugs that showed up during your gameplay. I'm working on fixing them as soon as possible. Meanwhile, this game doesn't end there. The game two different endings. So, go ahead and try playing again. I would love to know how the entire game experience is for you.
Thank you once again!